Favorite Albums of 2024
My Favorite albums of 2024.

My Favorite albums of 2024.
Japanese Breakfast’s new album, For Melancholy Brunettes (And Sad Women), is a study in restraint and reflection. Where 2021’s Jubilee reached for the sky with lush, sparkling pop anthems, this record
Favorite Songs and Other Stuff of 2024
My Favorite albums of 2024.
How do you make peace with something you thought was over? When Japandroids announced Fate and Alcohol, their fourth—and final—album, it was a massive surprise. The fact that it was their last? Not so much.
It’s a special thing when a record arrives with a sense of timelessness and a feeling that the songs have always somehow existed in the echelon of popular music. Katie Crutchfield was
My favorite songs of 2023 and other music related faves I spent time with this year: Best Reissue: The Replacements - Tim (Let It Bleed Edition) Best Live Album: Sonic Youth - Live
My favorite albums of 2023.
Top Songs of 2022, followed by everything I listened to monthly in 2022.
My favorite records of 2022 below, with a playlist at the end. Gang of Youths - Angel in RealtimeIn March, I flew to London by myself. It was my first time on an
I feel like my brain is broken. I’ve probably thought about how to write this for two months, but I can’t get it to sound right or write how it is
Top Songs of 2021, followed by everything I listened to monthly in 2021.
My favorite records of 2021 below, with a playlist at the end. Songs to come soon!