Japandroids Return with the Right Album at the Right Time

It’s a weird feeling to be in transition: constantly thinking about where to go next, the thrill of excitement just out of reach, and possibility feeling so endless that it’s overwhelming.
It’s a weird feeling to be in transition: constantly thinking about where to go next, the thrill of excitement just out of reach, and possibility feeling so endless that it’s overwhelming.
My Top Songs of 2016 playlist, favorite 2015 discovery of 2016 and Honorable Mention albums. Heads up, the song list is 80 songs long, so hit shuffle and enjoy! Also, “Home”
Lots of great music was released in 2016, so much so it was hard to decide what made the list. This year, I also included a list of my favorites ranked 11-20. Favorite
The Chicago Cubs won the World Series. I have been repeating this to myself since Wednesday just to make sure it’s real. It can’t possibly be. But it is. They went
Earlier this week, Morning View by Incubus turned fifteen. While it may not have aged as well as some, it very much played a part in my musical development and remains one of
I dont claim to know the entire Weakerthans catalog, or really know much about John K. Samson, but I can tell you that the release of “Winter Wheat” is an album that hews
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPEhIoKeTg0 This video has been making the rounds lately in large part is that it is an uncredited sample found on “10 d E A T h
Today marks the tenth anniversary of Boys and Girls in America by The Hold Steady. Even the casual acquaintance has heard me stump for this album pretty much any occasion I get. But
Today, Bon Iver releases their third album and first in five years, “22, A Million”. Justin Vernon started the project in 2007 pretty much as a guy with an acoustic guitar,
Amanda Shires has been an excellent solo musician in her own right for years, a fact that’s been partially obscured by the runaway success of her husband, singer-songwriter, Jason Isbell. While that
I saw Lydia Loveless play a street fest this summer and I was wowed by her presence and power. She’s a complete force of nature, synthesizing sorta-country with sorta-punk but maintaining an
Modern Baseball is a great band, but they’re not even as good as they’re going to be. I saw the Philly-based group recently play a show at Empty Bottle